It is Our Job to Help You
About Vision Employment Group
Why choose our services
We believe in putting Lubbock to work! It is our goal to represent the employers of Lubbock well and become an extension of their culture, services, and preferences. We do this by building a relationship based on Customer Service through daily interaction, and discussing the needs of their company and employment opportunities.
Our process
We believe everyone deserves the chance to prove their eligibility. Therefore, anyone who applies receives the opportunity to interview! Our thorough screening process helps us to determine the qualifications met and points us towards which field is best for the individual based on experience and aspirations. Let's find YOUR dream job!
Our obligation
We believe our purpose is to bridge the gap between employers and new hires by recruiting and teaching all applicants how to interview, as well as follow up with dependability, punctuality, and communication! It is our heart to teach our employees to be a representation of us and to do right by the employer. This is how we create a reliable workforce!